Nowadays it would be weird to not have facebook account.The age range seems to expand evry now and then.Even my parents have facebook accounts.and they're ACTIVE user which makes me it all the scarier.haha.kiddin ma pa.but u know what i mean right?
Continuous streams of status is updated every second and the status can be as inspiring as this-
'There are three certain steps for achieving prosperity in all areas of your life. Number one, build the image in your mind. Number two, turn it over to Spirit (Let Go And Let God). Number three, expect with your heart and soul that God will reward you openly for your faith'
or can be as meaningless as this-
which makes no sense at all.
Now everybody seems to have a blackberry or iphone which ables us to tweet or update our status anywhere anytime.But you gotta admit some information are just unnecessary ! Have all of us become attention cravers that needs to tell their whereabouts,what they eat for lunch or what they're doing?
*okay.i admit i have done some of them. ha-ha*
Just dont tweet or update ur status too often have a life dont you ?
Well,there's nothin really wrong about it.Ones that i cant help feeling annoyed is when people use fb or twitter to express their anger.Like hello? who wants to see a status that's full of swear words.It just shows how low you are.If you have a problem with someone,settle it privately.Don't write about it publicly.It'll just make people have bad impressions on you.Especially if your fb is full of your aunts,uncles and family friends.LIKE ME ! I gotta think twice before posting something.haha
This one im sure at least one of your friends in social networks has comitted it.Im talking about being all lovey dovey with your other half on come on..we know you're in love. but you dont have to announce it to the whole world like a million times.Maybe the first few times would make us all ' sweet.they're so cute' but one too many are just ughh.If you want to be all mushy with your significant one do use texting.More privacy with less puke effects to the people around you :)
blogging is an exception.or is it? well.i like writing personal things.Because whats the use of writing a blog if you merely copy and paste.It wont have emotion and life.but not too personal until even the people who are complete strangers to you,knows you like family.That's just scary.Some things are better kept unsaid or to share only with ones we are closed with.
Mysterious is Sexy;
i like this topic:D