I have an end module exam this monday! In my uni's system we learn by modules.Each month a new module.So at the end of the month there will be an exam for each module.I hated this system ! because even its only a test,we have to study like crazy because its not easy to pass.Below c- and you fail.it's a 1 hour test for god's sake! we spend weeks and weeks of studying but the questions only consist of 10% of what we learned the whole month.i can barely catch my breath before another test comes rolling in.
But now that finals are around the corner (middle of nxt month is considered round the corner rite? ) i actually appreciate the idea of having EOM test every month.Because it forces you to study EVERYDAY.Last minute study is suicidal.And as we repeatedly read our modules for the tests,its literally planted in our subconcious mind.Makes it easier for us to recall it when studying for finals.A round of applause for whoever invented the system !
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