Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Islam is The Way of Life

'For anything that happens theres always a reason behind it'.The same thing applies in our religion.For every rule that has been created by our God,theres always a hikmah( good reason) behind it.Yesterday during PBL session with Dr Imam Shaikh, i learned a few things that really opened my eyes to how brilliant our Creator is,and how beautiful Islam is.We were discussing about heartburn(pedih ulu hati) which can be a symptom of Gastroesophagal reflux disease(GERD).GERD is a disease where your stomach acid backs up into your esophagus and irritates the wall of your esophagus.So one of the ways to relieve GERD that i want to point out is:

1. sleep facing your right side->sunnah Rasulullah SAW
Reason:makes it easier for your stomach content to pass into ur intestine

2. Wear loose clothes
Reason:Tight clothes can increase the pressure in your stomach thus stomach acid can back up into ur esophagus.

3. Don't eat and drink at the same time.Drink 20-30 mins aftr meal
Reason:When you drink and eat,the stomach acid will be diluted.Thus the stomach will think that there is insufficient acid and produce more acid.

All of the three points above are the teachings of Islam.Subhanallah.aren't you amazed?So u see,the teachings of Islam is complete.It covers all aspect.From spiritual believes,akhlaq(attitude),marriage to health and economy.What more can u ask? C:
I'm so thankful that i chose to be a doctor.Its not just a career,but also another way to be nearer to God.Alhamdulillah.

p/s:two entries in a day!told u i was looking forward to post more.lol

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