Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lost in the clouds

The title has nothin to do with this entry..just a random phrase=)Today i spent almost a day at sunway pyramid..bcoz my sis nurul took part in the NST Spell It Right competiton.Amy and i jumped up and down cheering for her.haha.but knowing Nurul she merely smiled and acted cool on stage.BAJET!My cousin even brought her slr camera to take pics of nurul.Semangatkan?hehe.Our hearts were pounding like crazy seeing her on stage.As if we were the ones whos competing.kehkeh.Anyway..we were so proud of her when she managed to answer question by question.From 12 contestants..they were cut down to 3.Suprisingly nurul lost to the two contestants..but its okay.we're still proud of you!go bubu!;)i actually felt annoyed looking at the girl who won!

Afterwards we headed to the fish spa.All the fish are probably sick of eating our feets cuz we're the regular customers.I imagine them saying"kami nak lauk lain pulak!".ok..that was a stupid joke.hehe.but they still swarmed over our feet though.

Since tomorrow the world will be celebrating all daddys we decided to buy something for dad.but bcoz of our limited cash(we're saving for his coming birthday nxt month) we just bought him a liverpool mug.i know i know..mugs are sooo out of date but he likes liverpool so i think that should do.hehh..

ok2..enough talking.