Friday, June 19, 2009

Pathetic Hours

Im feeling kinda left behind right now.cause all my friends have started their studies but im still at home with nothin to do.right now they must be crackin their head with assignments while im at home fb-ing and watching korean dramas.sob sob,i feel useless;(oh 6 july!is there any ways i cn fast forward the time?time sure crawls when you're waiting..hmm..go away you miserable-ness!the pathetic thing is eventhough i feel miserable and unproductive i did NOTHIN about it and i dont know why.You know the feeling where you're just too lazy to do anything even if you want to especially when you're at kiddin.and that is the reason why i chose to go to boarding school and bear my homesickness for 5 years! such a cry baby kan?First child syndroms,wait a minute.isnt it the last child whose supposed to be the baby?oh well..who cares.

p/s:i feel brighter after writing my heart out.


  1. yeap, first child syndrome in our family kot. kak niah pun had always been known as the cry baby... and you know what, i'm proud of it!

  2. yup!!
    i felt exactly the same way..
    soo sad, rite??
