Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happiness attracts happiness

These past two days has been wonderful.On monday,while i was having lunch with my dad

dad:hajar,nanti you drivela sorang pergi fax kan surat terima jawapan tuh

hajar:ooh..okay(trying to act cool like pff..wtver..i dont care.hehe.)

actually i was more like OMG!ARE U KIDDIN ME?my dad actually let me drive alone!without him or farah, or nurul!at last!after almost 3 months since i got my driving license.u'd probably think whats the big deal.but to me it is a big deal cause sometimes my dad can be very cautious in certain things eg:driving,taking the public transport etc.guess he's just being cautious..afterall i am a girl.everything went well of course.told ya i cn drive;).i cant stop smiling for the rest of the day!hehe..i was so happy i decided to make bread and butter pudding.but i modified the recipe to make it healthier..kinda.hehe.i used wholemeal bread,used less butter and sugar and i used grain milk!(99 peratus TANPA lemak!).actually i thought it was the normal low fat milk only with grains on the carton but it isnt!plus it tasted wierd no to mention the brownish color.oh well..on the bright side theres only 1% turned out good.

The second cause of my happiness is when my dad showed me a column in the newspaper where it shows my soon to be college-ACMS signing an agreement with UKM which enables its student to futher their medical studies in so relieved!cause i decided to do my foundation in ACMS bcoz it is said to have a link with UKM,to be exact its actually in the process of getting UKM's agreement according to one of the board directors.So lately i kept feeling unsure seeing my friends going to iptas and my decision to join ACMS the right thing?i didnt take up matriculation's and uia's offer so there's no turning a bit worried bcoz its a private college so of course its not as established as the iptas.eventhough its only for a year but..urgh..u know what i mean kan?its hard to what if ACMS failed to get an agreement with UKM?that is what worries me the most.i dont really fancy indonesia or ireland.i wnt to stay in malaysia!but if thats the only way of course i'll go.anyways,the news really made me wnt to work harder so that i cn get into UKM Insyaallah.Alhamdulillah,im so grateful to Allah;)


  1. hajar! sudah boelh drive sorang??
    kite jpj test on november!

  2. hajar dh boleh drive? jom lah bawak kt pg jalan2!

  3. can2!let me know ble u cuti.hehe.
