Sunday, June 14, 2009

Conclusions of my sngpore trip

At last..i rajinkan jgk dri to update me blogg..ok.about my trip to singapore-i mls nk let me just tell u my conclusions of my trip.

-loads and loads of eating
-great place to go shopping
-had fun with my sdre mare
-but overall it was a blast!

here are some piccas for yah:-

actually there's more but too lazy to upload bnyk2,hehe.and btw..we didnt go to langkawi and lengthen our stay in sngpore.cuz my parents were too exhausted to go to langkawi.i told you so!haha.ok..thats all for now cuz im going to penang later.and no.i bukan nak start blaja mother has a meeting there.the best part is its in batu ferenggi!yahoo!till then.


  1. aj!!!!!!!!!!
    kt ade tbace awk tlis kat page bella awk msok 6 july..awk msok mne?=)

  2. kte msuk allianze college of medical sciences kt penang.amik medic pre medic fr a year;)
