Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Stop potraying us as the bad guys

The atmosphere tody is urm..serene i guess.By other means,im in a good mood=).But this didnt made up the aggravation that i felt watching Dont Mess With The Zohans ystrdy.It was such a stupidd movie!Why does most Hollywood movies associate bad ppl,terrorist etc with the Arabs?!it gives a bad name to us the muslims.padahal not all tha arabs are muslims but the world always assume that arab=muslim.Isnt it enough that Islam's name is already smeared bcoz of the 11 sep incident!fr exmple..a scene in the movie shows mariah carey rceiving a gift frm a palestinian guy and the card says 'All i wnt fr Ramadhan is YOU'couldnt it be more insulting!Theres also a scene where this palestinian guy woke up with a pile of woman on top of him.and no it wasnt an accident.he did sleep with all if them.I've watched numerous movies(comedies most of them) where they make jokes about Islam.U can make fun of stupid things like x rated things but when it comes to religion especially Islam,now dat is not tolerable.The same thing happened when i watched Taken.An action movie about a father trying to save her daughter from being prostitute.and the bad guyy who tried to buy her was a big fat Arab guy!see!its soo stereotype!maybe hollywood movies really are a propaganda of the Israeli to poison minds of the world.Sadly its too hard to resist the temptation of watching a good hollywood movie.dont give me that look!ur just the same right?.Oh well,at least i'll ignore movies that contains mockering of Islam.agaga=D

Till then

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