Sunday, May 17, 2009

I dunno what title should i give to this entry.

Ahh..ysterdy was a blast!i went to sunway pyrmid with me familia.We had dinner in our favourite resaturant which is Tarbush.A cosy restaurant which serves arab food.My cuzy kak tiyah joined us cuz her parents went to Bali so shes being left alone.Poor kak titi=).

I chose the outside part of the resaturant.Its kind of a big verandah where u can see sunway lagoon below you.FAscinating.Usually we just ate inside cuz its air conditioned.hehe.I took pictures but im just too lazy to transfer from my phone;sorryy.I ordered baked macaroni wif minced lamb in it.Anti climaxkan??considering that im in a arab restaurant so i might as well try THEIR food!haha.but i wasnt in the mood fr something new or my usual chicken makloubah(is dat how its spelled?cant rmember.haha).

We had a great time laughing and talking while eating,trying each other's food.except for my parent's food cuz they always order the same thing!it wouldnt be called trying if i ate theirs rite?.teehee.teka ape?nasi beriani!!!how boring is that!u cn eat nasi beriani everywhere!haha..papamama.cute...hehe.

Since we had our dinner at 6.It wuz really 'redup' and we finished our dinner during sunset,though i didnt even see the sun actually;bahaha.

With our stomach full to the level of puking,farah headed to the saloon wif my dad and nurul accompanying her.While mama,kak tiyah and me went to the have a thai massage just opposite Tarbush.God!u sould try it!Kak tiyah and i had the neck,shoulder and back massage while my mum had a foot reflexology.

It was painful i tell ya,but no pain no gain.The Thai massage was unique in its on way cause its not the usual urut using minyak.Dia mcm lipat2 ur badan like ur a gymnast!lol.i cnt help laughing when she hugged me(kinda)its hard to explain but its like we're tangled and she bent my body left,right and backwards,all of them made 'CRACK' sounds!but it doesnt hurt..rase lega..the urut2 part yang hurts.haha.

The best things is i dont even have to take my clothes or tudung off and they dont use minyak.Its a good thing or i'd be walking around sunway pyramid afterwards smelling like ointment.haha.

After performing our maghrib prayers,we stopped by Osim.We tried all the massage-thingys there.It wuz really funny cause all four of us were like trying the massage chairs(they're arranged in a row) tp xde gaya mcm try lgsg!my mum smbil duduk on it bley lg make calls,kak tiyah sambil mkn chocolate,farah was staring at the ceiling while i talked to granny who was on a wheel chair beside my chair massage.We tried for like 10-15 mins!overkan?haha.The sales preson just ignored us and went to entertain other customers.

At 9 i went to Kak Tiyah's house in Kajang.I slept over her house.We karaoked that night until 1 in the morning!3 hours non-stop!well..actually only i sang cause kak tiyah was caught up in her facebook-ing and ym.Kak Tiyah said i had a nice voice!bahaha. That wrapped our day.A very exhausting day.In a good way=).

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