Sunday, May 24, 2009


Not too long ago..i went to shop in klcc.Long story cut short,a salesgirl approached me and gave me a brochure about a cosmetic line called BENEFIT.Flipping through the pages of the brochure when we got home,farah and i was like what the hell is wrong with this product??tahpape gle..let me list out the things that are just soo ridicilous.

  • A body cream called TOUCH ME THEN TRY TO LEAVE.what is that?
  • An acne facial foam called WHOOSH!is there a tornado?haha
  • A makeup remover called GEE THAT WAS QUICK
  • A facial scrub called HONEY SNAP OUT OF IT!honey who?
  • BOO BOO ZAP solution
  • acne medication night time cream called KA-POW!
  • BOI-ING concelaer
  • BADgal liner waterproof
  • YOU'RE BLUFFING concealer wand
  • An eye pallette called PINK TO PLEASE A WOMAN..GOLD TO GET A GUY.'ll take me a whole day to list all the ridicilous-ness of this cosmetic line.I mean can you imagine having this conversation.

salesgirl:hi!can i help you miss?
YOU:can i have UR BLUFFING.
salesgirl:what?im not bluffing.i was just asking what may i help u
YOU:huhh..nvermind.i'll have mm..TOUCH ME THEN TRY TO LEAVE.
salesgirl:excuse me???
salesgirl:Miss are you okay?
YOU:im fine..give me a KA-POW will you?
salesgirl:here.dush!*a punch.ur welcome.have a nice day!

hahaha.i know thats a stupid joke.but i still cnt imagine myself saying can i please have a touch me then try to leave?.its sooo weirdd.I think maybe they're trying to be creative,one of a kind,fresh,bla bla bla.but at least pick a decent name.makes their product less convincing.i'd be thinking does this thing really works with a name like that?plus their prices are ubelievable.seriously wayy overpriced.i'd rather spend my money fr something more convicincing like bobbi brown or mac(not that i use them.just an exmple.hehe).okayy..i guess my point is then.I LOVE YOU


  1. hahahhaa HAJAR that's F**kin funny! Tak tahan aku bace hahahhaha but i totally 120 percent agree with you honey ;)

  2. haha..
    yup ure right!!
    totall cant find anywhere!!;)

  3. omg!i cnt blieve ppl laughed at my joke!bahaha.
