Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Girls Night Out

I spent last night with my high school gfs.Some i havent met since the last paper of SPM and some just a few months back.Oh how time flies..now we're all on different paths sketching our futures.To relive our friendship we had iftar together at The Apartment,a nice and cosy restaurant in klcc,overlooking the lake.Actually chilli's was our first choice but man oh man.u should've seen the que!is their food tht good?anyway..the buffet tht we had was gooooood.their briyani n grilled mutton ada umph!i cnt rmmbr hw many rounds i got up frm my chair to take food.haha.The buffet costs us about rm60 including service tax and all.Quite worth it cuz theres a variety of food and most importantly delicious!and guess who i met while filling my already full plate?nora danish!she's just as pretty as she looks on tv.and the list goes on with eizlan yusof(he sure looks old.i've alwys thought its just make up) and rebecca nur al islam(not sure if i got hr name right).okay im not exactly in the mood to write so i'll let the pics do the talking.

The Apartment

My girls

for starters.haha

Friendship is certainly a thing to treasure.Hopefully 20 years later,we'd be able to reminisce this night and smile .i love you guys.

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