Thursday, June 4, 2009

Little black book

Woah.seems like years x update me blog..evnthought its only a few days since i last updated my blog,4 days to be exact.whatever..Today is the first day im able to sit idly at home and spend an awful lot of time in front of the pc.let me tell you why.

MONDAY:fetched my unc at the airport.He's coming bck frm arab saudi fr good after almost 4 years living there where he works as a steward.All his flights are mainly in europe!how fab is that!Had bbq afterwards and all our relatives gathered.They had an argument about the pro and cons of cyberworld.will tell u later about it.

TUESDAY:fetched my cuzzy at seri puteri cyberjaya.She had a debate competition there.Helped my unc to buy a sim card fr his phone.karaoked all evening.and teached my unc to use facebook.hehe

WEDNESDAY:Woke up early in the morning and went to putrajaya to collect all my adikss birth certificate(my dad lost them except mine)and afterwards off to the immigration office in Subang.Need to make my adiksss passport.Spent hours there!Then we made our way to pkns to buy outfits fr my cuzzy's wedding.i im getting married.haha.but our outfits must match with the theme color rite?hehe

THURSDAY(which is today):i woke up early which is weird since i hve nothin to do except packing.Went out to buy nasi lemak;yes.nasi lmk with chickn!bye bye diet fr today!today is kind of the day where you just wnt to stay at home and be a couch potato,break all the rules and indulge urself.

tomorrow,i'll be going to Singapore fr a wedding.My cousinss wedding.with a double s bcoz theres TWO of them getting married.ahaha.May both of them have all the happiness they cn get in this world.*whatver that means.I'll be in sgpore till sunday.The thrilling part is from sngpore i'll be goin to langkawi BY CAR cuz my mum will be hving a meeting there.its like one end of the world to not sure if my parents can take the long long hours of mny hours will it take to arrive in langkawi?hmm..makes me unconvinced that we're really going there though my parents already told us that we're going.Whatever it is i'll keep you posted.(like ur intrested to knw.self indulgent!haha)

My mind boggling question is..(what my uncs and aunts argue about)does the cyberworld effects human realtions?i some ppl it gives mkes it easies to keep in touch with friends and family ex:through facebook.most of my fmly have one.It'd be easier to notify ppl about fmly events or gatherings.even weddings!but the bad side of it(according to my unc)we will lost the human touch ex:shaking hands,hugging,talking(in person la) etc.ppl would be too caught up in the cyberworld and mind their own business cause they spend too much time on the itnet.Personally,i think theres nothing wrong with fb-ing or makes it easier connect with the people around me..and you always knw what you're friends are up to.okayy..that doesnt sound if im stalking!ahaha.u knw what i actually mean aite?If you're afraid to lose the human touch just meet up with your friend to catch a movie or coffee!simple as that.=)well,that is my opinion.what is yours?


  1. wooo..
    new nice pic!!
    bznye aj..

  2. Jaja.. to me la, pasal facebook, it does keep you updated with your friends and family. for those yang duduk jauh dapat contact each other... but what's funny is, the ones dalam rumah yang takde contact. cth mcm dekat kajang, sometimes it's funny how everyone is on their own laptop, sitting in the same room, but masing2 with their own cyberworld.. so when that happens.. one of us has to bangun.. turn on the karaoke and sing together! right?? and start asking each other after every verse... "sedap tak?" kih kih kih

  3. exactly!i agree with you!ble kt rumah.ayah in his room maen laptop.mak pun with hers.aja maen kt bwh.hahaha
