Friday, May 29, 2009

Life is not a Fairytale

Lily allen is so cool!i love hearing her british accent when she sings with her soft voice.She sings sooo idly as if she's talking.Her songs are one of a kind.Quirky and cheeky.hahah.Like adibah,I wish i could sing too!I looove to sing!its one of my fav way to fill my past time since i was in my primaries.hehe.Im sure my sisters are sick of having to hear me kinda of my lil secret cause im too shy to tell it to ppl.haha.If i can be a singer i wish i can sing like lily allen.No high notes,no straining my voice,and my voice sounds good even when i talk-sing.awww...such high hopes.wake up girl!bahaha.Well.let it be one of my will-nver-come-true-dreams.It doesnt hurt to dream rite?hehh.This is some of my favs.ENJOY!

p/s:i L.O.V.E british acts!


  1. aj!!
    ak ske gler gak kt lily allen..
    sweet kn..?
    then, skg de singer nyanyi sme style cm lily allen..
    nme dye lenka..aussie tp..
    but bg ak je..ak rse diorg sme..
    org x tw la..latest lgu dye "THE SHOW"
    try la tgk!
    but i still like LILY ALLEN
    such a sweet!!

  2. littlest things abg mi suke hehee
    ala folk song ni,kalau out of tune pun takper

    nyanyi jer...

    Ala abang mi ngan harith kene kutuk (ur papa n mama) sebab sore kitorg tak sedap... selamber je kitorang nyanyi like nobody's business :)

  3. i love lenka!voice die lbey kurg cm lily allen kan?aritu tgk vid clip die kt mtv
    but shes not that pretty kn.hehe

    sdpkn littlest things!i've been playing it again n again.

    ksiannye abg romizi kne ktuk.hehe
    but who cares!!rite?haha
