Monday, May 11, 2009

Last day on earth

Im alone in my mum's office.just nw i studied biology fr A levels(its the closest book i cn get fr pre medic) in the library.since im a big fan of bio,i enjoyed IT!it feels good to make my brain work after almost half a year sleeping.pdn mke ko otak!now WORK!*evil laugh.i hve a question.if today is the last day for you on earth,what do you want to do?(spiritual things doesnt count).after thinkg for a while..i think i'd go on a hot air ballon around kl!cuz i've always wnted to go on one.actually i'd prefer goin on one in europe but i hve only one day,mne sempat nak gi europe!'d be nicer if it wuz at night(i dunno if anyone has done the sky would all be kinda glittery wif the stars and the city lights.i cn imagine the cool breeze during night time.haha.wadda heck am i blabbering about!geez.guess im just filling my too-much-free-time;]

p/s:im kinda sad cuz my bestie nadia had gone to n9 matriculation this gonna miss her loads!tnx fr the touching speech babe.lav ya!

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