Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I L.O.V.E libraries

Last tuesdy i went to the rebranding of the selangor state library.Tun Uda library xsilap nme die.anyway..As one of the library's frequent visitor i was amazed by its new face lift.The best thing is there's a newly opened cafe.stylish indeed!so now i dont hve to walk fr 200 metres to go to the nearest stall.plus free wirelees!There's also new ikea sofas which u can sleep on it.kidding.hehe.Most importantly,the aircond is much much cooler.congratulations mama!u did a great job.im proud of you;]When the thing was over lunch was served.So i went to get my food but i couldnt find any drinks.Immediately my eyes spotted two mm..wat do u call it.bekas airla sng at another tent across mine.As i was filling my glass,suddenly..

A guy:Adik,air kat sana dah habis ke?
Me:hah?tak tahu.kenapa?
A guy:Air ni utk function lain.(jkr pnye kursus)rmai tak mkn lagi nih.
Me:ops.sorry!**i tried my best to put on an 0h really?-so-what face.**

And so i left my sirap-filled glass on the table.berkira btol!u know what.there's actually TWO bekas air.most importantly its still full.Does it really mke any difference if i took a glass of it rather than humiliating me in front of all the men.(its a jkr thingy so most of their staffs were guys).urgh!whatever.So for all of you especially anyone staying in Shah Alam you should provide some time to go the library.and bring ur lappys!;)


  1. i don't own any lappys.Should i bring my desktop instead? hehe.

    went there too.

    Marvellous indeed.

    Jom lepak :) Banyak chowok gantang wooo...
    dont't worry, i won't tell papa hehe


  3. haha..
    2 pon nk kecoh jkr nih..

  4. i knw!memalukan btol.

    abg romizi,
    ur desktop amat di alu2 kan.
    shhhhh;).between us only*wink
